This small but telling study involved 16 middle-aged men and women living in Stockholm with typical desk jobs and a history of obesity. (Their particular sedentary lifestyles and metabolic states put them at risk for diabetes.) For one week, the study participants wore monitors to give the scientists baseline numbers. Then half of the group downloaded a smartphone app that instructed them to be active for three minutes every 30 minutes. For three weeks, this half of the subjects marched in place, squatted, and performed other simple exercises (that wouldn’t be too distracting to their coworkers). The control group was not prompted to exercise every 30 minutes. Ultimately, the data revealed that interrupting long periods of sitting and moving bi-hourly for approximately three minutes reduced the impact of sitting for long periods of time and improved glycemic control, compared to baseline levels. After three weeks of frequent activity breaks from sitting, participants showed lower fasting glucose levels and less glucose variability. The researchers concluded, however, that three minutes should be considered a minimum—if you can move more (say, do this bi-hourly movement in addition to getting in a more formal exercise session each day), that’s even better. Fitness trainer and CEO of Suprema Fitness, Jennifer Cohen, says she’s not surprised by these findings. “Shorter workouts can add up,” she says. “Do the math—if you exercise for six minutes of every hour during a standard eight-hour workday, you’ve done a 48-minute workout total.” Cohen believes fitting “mini workouts” into your day is a good solution for anyone: from regular exercisers who have trouble getting in a sweat session on busy days, to people just starting to incorporate a movement practice into their everyday routines. “Doing multiple, shorter workouts on the days you can’t squeeze in a longer one is certainly better than skipping it altogether and can help you maintain your health even if your schedule is jam-packed,” Cohen says. Not sure how to spend your three minutes of activity? Here are a few bite-sized workouts to try for three minutes straight or to combine any way you’d like. “Planks are great because they work several muscles in the body to build strength and stability,” she says. “While a full plank may not be accessible to everyone, a modified plank with the hands elevated (hands on the arm of your couch will work) is a great way to start to build the strength necessary to be able to hold a full plank.” You can also make planking easier by keeping your knees on the ground rather than extending your legs, similar to a modified push-up. Tucker also suggests adding some cardio to your plank to maximize each three-minute session. “You can try plank jacks (jumping the feet out and in while holding a plank position) and mountain climbers (running in your plank).” RELATED: This 10-Minute Plank Routine Will Fire Up Your Core With Just 5 Moves RELATED: Need a Pick-Me-Up? Try These Full-Body Yoga Moves for an Instant Energy Boost As an alternative to three-minute, bi-hourly breaks, Cohen suggests taking a ten-minute exercise break at least three times per day. “On busy days when you may not have time to go to the gym or go for a run, breaking down workouts into several shorter chunks of time can be a smart solution.” If you need some guidance, try an online fitness streaming website or app, like the Peloton app, Alo Moves, or a free Youtube channel like Yoga With Adriene for tons of shorter workout options you can weave more easily into a jam-packed day.