No matter how confident someone is, few are truly immune to the debilitating combination of impostor syndrome, social anxiety, and fear of the unknown that hits before starting a new role. To get to the “why” behind new job jitters, LinkedIn asked respondents to name what they were most worried about. The most nerve-wracking concern, according to 55 percent of professionals, is that they won’t be good at their job quickly enough. Second is the more general worry that they won’t succeed (48 percent)—not just quickly, but ever. This is closely followed by the possibility they won’t actually like the job (42 percent) and might regret taking it in the first place. They’re also ruminating about social impressions, with 32 percent worrying their colleagues and/or bosses won’t like them. Finally, 28 percent fear they aren’t qualified for their new position (did they get hired by mistake—and how soon will everyone find out?). Women feel it in particular. They’re more concerned than men are about being liked, LinkedIn finds. They’re also twice as likely as men to continue experiencing nerves a few months after they’ve started. Age plays a role too: Boomers feel the least nervous of any generation that they won’t succeed or aren’t qualified for the job. It’s good to know that a sense of calm and confidence helps abate the nerves as we age and gain professional (and life) experience. Is there a way to keep new job jitters completely at bay? Unfortunately, feeling nervous is a natural, physiological response that’s hard to prevent altogether. But here are a few effective reminders to reassure yourself everything will be OK (eventually, at least). RELATED: 4 Ways to Deal with a Bad Boss, So That Work Stress Stops Occupying Your Life Ask your boss or teammates whom you should get to know first. Ask them if they’ll make an intro, then offer to take a walk or buy them a coffee to make a friendly connection. “Don’t just focus on people above you,” Heitmann adds. “Support at all levels is essential to success.” (And for making work friends!) Take a course to brush up on your negotiating skills; refresh your dusty Photoshop skills with an online tutorial; read a helpful book on effective management styles; or hit up a LinkedIn Learning course on anything from photography to public speaking. If you’re insecure about a potential gap in your skill set, rather than dwell on it, make an effort to fill it.